Congratulations to the members of the New England Weather Net and to one in particular, Jack Caron, W1AYX, our new Net Manager.

Jack Caron has been named the new Net Manager of the New England Weather Net  with overwhelming support from the members, all of the Net Controls, and myself.  Jack is a moving force in ham radio and emergency communications in the State of Maine.  He has a close relationship with the National Weather Service in Caribou, ME.  Additionally, Jack has a great deal of talent in Internet communications and has done a fantastic job revising and maintaining our web site,

It is my opinion, supported by many of our regular members, that the report form on our website has been the salvation of the New England Weather Net  during this long period of terrible band propagation.  This was entirely the result of Jack’s efforts.

Please welcome Jack as he takes over on May 1st!  I have had a tremendously good time as your Net Manager for the past 7 or 8 years.  My mentor, Bill Claflin SK, a shortwave monitor, served as Nete Manger for a similar period of time and was an immense help to me as I got my feet on the ground.  I also owe a great deal of gratitude to another mentor, Rob Lyons, AB1NJ SK.  Rob provided a great deal of support when I had to deal with a disruptive member shortly after becoming Net Manager.

I would also like to thank those members who have participated as Net Controls, including Henry , K1WCC;  Joan, KC1KZ; Jack, W1AYX; Jon, N1MLF; tom, K1TL; Jack, N1HOS; Mike, W1MCT; Phil KE2EA SK, Pete, KA1GHF; Al, N1MHC; Doug, N1JBG; Jim, WA1KCC SK; Bill W1JLK SK; ED, W1UAZ SK; ART, K1TDY.    I apologize to any others I can’t remember!

During my time as Net Manager we have averaged approximately 12,000 check ins per year.  These years have had incredible growth in membership and in member participation.  I have had a great deal of fun leading the Net even though it has meant getting up at 4:45 AM 312 stimes so far this year!  My wife and I are returning to the fun that we have had exploring North America.  We sold our travel trailer almost two years ago and have now purchased a 35 foot motorhome.

Dick, K1MGH

Follow our travels at

The Ice Is Moving Along the St John River in Northern Maine

This past winter seems to have been especially long here in northern Maine but spring is nipping at its heels. Ice flow and subsequent jams along with spring flooding are always a concern for those who live along the rivers of Maine. However, this year the area has a new tool to help monitor progress of the ice flow along the St. John River in northern Maine. NB Power is hosting a GPS tracking project by placing automated buoys on the river ice at various locations.  Once the buoys begin to move with the ice they start sending out automated position reports thus helping to track the progress of the ice flow.

If you want to take a close look here is a short video taken on April 19, 2018 that shows the buoy on the ice at the Dickey Bridge at Allagash, ME.  It is visible at about 00:25.

If you want to track the progress of the buoy click here.

Jack, W1AYX

World's Largest Ice Carousel – Long Lake, Sinclair, ME, USA

Here is some aerial footage from Jack Caron, W1AYX, of the world record ice carousel built on a frozen lake in northern Maine on April 7, 2018. The diameter of the carousel is 426.5 feet (130 meters) with 30 inches (76.2 cm) of ice thickness.  The estimated 11,000 ton disk of ice was turned by three outboard motors put through holes in the ice.


Click Here for the local news story from Bill Green’s Maine.

March Weather in Acushnet, MA, Tom WA1KDD

A colder, wetter and snowier than normal March here in the Northern part of Acushnet.  March opened with the warmest day of the entire month and the calm before the Storm.

A nor’easter slammed the area the next day with hurricane force winds and windswept rain.  Long duration powerful winds fell and snapped trees resulting in region wide power outages and property damage and beach erosion.

Another strong  N.E. storm hit the area on March 13th. with heavy wet snow and wind and more severe tree damage and power outages.  Area yards looking like a war zone and the snow on the ground lingered long with the cold temperatures. Mother Nature eased off her rampage a little bit during the second half of the month confusing the computers and forecasters into apologies.   A short string of warmer temps at months end awakened the honeybees and peepers and yard cleanups.

March 2018 Acushnet, Mass.   41deg,44min N      70deg,55min W

Ave High     44.0 deg. Ave Low     29.6 deg. March Mean     36.8 deg. is 1.5 deg. below normal.

High Temp     63 deg. on March 1st.Low Temp     16 deg. on March 18th. Days 0 or below     0

Total Precip.     6.58″ is 1.11″ above normal.  Max 24hr. Precip.     3.35″ on March 2nd.

Snowfall     15.8″ is 9.0″ above normal.  Max 24hr. Snowfall     11.0″ on March 13th. Season Snowfall ( dec-mar)   40.6″   (dec 5.9,jan16.0,feb 2.9,mar 15.8)

Total 2018 Precip.     20.24″ is 6.47″ above normal.  T-Storm Days  0.  High Wind Gust  48 mph on March 2nd.

Heating Degree Days 883.  Cooling Degree Days  0.  High Barometer     30.69″ on March 26th.  Low Barometer      29.06″ on March 2nd.

Phil Bretz, KE2EA SK

Phil Bretz, KE2EA, was a very long time member of the New England Weather Net and served as a Net Control for many of those years.

I received a call today from Phil’s son-in-law, John Wojack, KC2JAM, telling me that Phil died at home last night after a long battle with bone marrow cancer.  Phil was in the hospital for the last three weeks but chose to return home where he could pass in peace.  Phil’s wife passed away last June after a very long illness.

Claire and I had a wonderful visit with Phil and his wife during our trip to Alaska in 2013.