Congratulations to the members of the New England Weather Net and to one in particular, Jack Caron, W1AYX, our new Net Manager.
Jack Caron has been named the new Net Manager of the New England Weather Net with overwhelming support from the members, all of the Net Controls, and myself. Jack is a moving force in ham radio and emergency communications in the State of Maine. He has a close relationship with the National Weather Service in Caribou, ME. Additionally, Jack has a great deal of talent in Internet communications and has done a fantastic job revising and maintaining our web site,
It is my opinion, supported by many of our regular members, that the report form on our website has been the salvation of the New England Weather Net during this long period of terrible band propagation. This was entirely the result of Jack’s efforts.
Please welcome Jack as he takes over on May 1st! I have had a tremendously good time as your Net Manager for the past 7 or 8 years. My mentor, Bill Claflin SK, a shortwave monitor, served as Nete Manger for a similar period of time and was an immense help to me as I got my feet on the ground. I also owe a great deal of gratitude to another mentor, Rob Lyons, AB1NJ SK. Rob provided a great deal of support when I had to deal with a disruptive member shortly after becoming Net Manager.
I would also like to thank those members who have participated as Net Controls, including Henry , K1WCC; Joan, KC1KZ; Jack, W1AYX; Jon, N1MLF; tom, K1TL; Jack, N1HOS; Mike, W1MCT; Phil KE2EA SK, Pete, KA1GHF; Al, N1MHC; Doug, N1JBG; Jim, WA1KCC SK; Bill W1JLK SK; ED, W1UAZ SK; ART, K1TDY. I apologize to any others I can’t remember!
During my time as Net Manager we have averaged approximately 12,000 check ins per year. These years have had incredible growth in membership and in member participation. I have had a great deal of fun leading the Net even though it has meant getting up at 4:45 AM 312 stimes so far this year! My wife and I are returning to the fun that we have had exploring North America. We sold our travel trailer almost two years ago and have now purchased a 35 foot motorhome.
Dick, K1MGH
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