Our annual luncheon will be held as usual at Papagallos in Swanzey NH on the third Saturday of August (August 19th).  We meet for a rag chew in the parking lot at 11:00 AM and go in for lunch at 12 Noon.  Bring your spouse or significant other!  The food is good, the camaraderie better, and we break up around 2PM.  As an added treat, Jon, N1MLF, is going to entertain us with some good old Down East music!

Directions and the menu can be found at:



William Claflin, 79

June 13, 2017

William W Claflin, Jr., born on August 8 1937 in Boston, to William W. & Ruth (Putnam), died peacefully at home with his dear friends and caregivers, Janice and George Bassett, after a brief hospitalization. Bill, a life long resident of Marion, qualifies as an original “townie”.

Shortly after graduating from Northwood School, Lake Placid, New York, Bill enlisted in the US Army in 1959 and served with honors until his discharge in 1962.

Bill’s knowledge of emergency communications electronics, encouraged him to own and operate Electronics Sales & Service, Inc, New Bedford, MA, until his retirement in 2008.

Bill’s passion for emergency electronics allowed him to serve as communications specialist on the Marion Fire Department. Further, Bill served as Secretary, Historian, and Treasurer of the Marion Fire Fighters Association, for 50 plus years: he was a life member of the association. His second greatest passion was serving with the Marion Social Club, which he did from l983 until his passing.

Bill leaves many, many friends in town and would especially like to remember his “best pal”, Mason Noble, who he mentored for several years. Mason is his “adopted” great-grandson.

His funeral service will be held on Saturday, June 17, 2017 at the Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home, 2599 Cranberry Highway (Rt. 28), Wareham at 10 a.m. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Marion. Visiting hours will be Friday from 5 – 8 p.m. at the funeral home.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his memory to the Marion Firefighters Association.

Association, P O Box 114, Marion, MA 02738 or the Marion Social Club, P O Box 763, Marion, MA 02738.

For directions and on-line guestbook visit:

WA1KDD Report – May 2017

From Tom, WA1KDD, Achusnet MA

A colder than normal May here in the northern part of Acushnet with above normal precipitation.  The May mean temperature of 56.7 deg. was 1.2 deg. below normal and it was the coldest May since 2008 saw a mean of 56.2 deg.  Short lived heat just after mid month saw the temperature soar to 94 deg. on the 18th. followed by 90 deg. on the 19th. before falling back to cloudy and cool and wet.

The stuck in the ruts of unsettled weather got deeper during May as some precipitation fell on 15 days during the month.  May saw 6.19″ of fall during the month and it was the wettest May at my location since 2006 saw 7.43″.

Vegetation thrived during the cool and wet and lilacs bloomed by the  10th. and blue flag iris by the 22nd. and a lady slipper or two by months end.

The Spring Season ( mar,apr,may) was slightly colder than normal with much above normal precipitation.  It was the wettest Spring Season since 2010 saw 19.57″ due to some 15.61″ falling in just the month of March that year.

May 2017 & the Spring Season Acushnet, Mass.  41deg,44min N   70deg,55min W

Ave High     65.1 deg. Ave Low     48.3 deg. May Mean     56.7 deg. is 1.2 deg. below normal.  High Temp     94 deg.on May 18th.  Low Temp     34 deg. on May 9th.  Days 90 or above     2

Total Precip.     6.19″ is 2.42″ above normal.  Max 24hr. Precip.     1.26″ on May 14th.  Total 2017 Precip.    26.58″ is 4.33″ above normal.  T-Storm Days     2.  High Wind Gust 26 mph on May 2nd. & 17th.  Heating Degree Days     295  Cooling Degree Days 31  High Barometer 30.38″ on May 21st.  Low Barometer      29.41 on May 15th.

Spring Season (mar,apr,may)  Average Temp     47.7 deg. is 0.4 deg. below normal  Total Precip.     17.17″ is 3.21″ above normal  Total Snowfall     9.0″ is .9″ above normal