From Tom, WA1KDD, Acushnet, MA
A wetter and warmer than normal October 2016 here in the northernpart of Acushnet. October was the wettest month so far this year with 5.80″of rain falling at my location. A moisture plume remnant from HurricaneMatthew helped quench our rain starved area on Oct. 9th. as 2.09″ fell. A 10 day stretch of nice Fall weather followed with chill mornings warming into the 60’s then 70’s then beach day 80’s. Unsettled conditions ended the last third of the month with wind and more welcomed rain. A 28 deg. killing frost on the morning 27th. and the arrival of the snowbird Juncos on the 29th reminded us to prepare for the Winter ahead.
October 2016 Acushnet, Ma. 41 deg,44min N 70 deg,55min W
Ave High 65.5 deg.
Ave Low 45.9 deg.
Oct Mean 55.7 deg. is 2.1 deg. above normal
High Temp 82 deg. on Oct. 19th.
Low Temp 28 deg. on Oct. 27th.
Days 90 or above 0
Total Precip. 5.80″ is 1.40″ above normal
Max 24hr. Precip. 2.09″ on Oct. 9th.
Total 2016 Precip. 34.60″ is 8.57″ below normal
T-Storm Days 0
High Wind Gust 35 mph on Oct. 23rd.
Heating Degree Days 313
Cooling Degree Days 19
High Barometer 30.46″ on Oct. 11th.
Low Barometer 29.17″ on Oct. 22nd.