Rob Lyons, AB1NJ SK

It is with a great deal of sadness that I must tell you that Rob Lyons, AB1NJ, died from a myocardial infarction (heart attack) about two weeks ago. He was found on his porch when neighbors failed to hear from him for several Days.
Rob was a close friend of mine, a mentor for me in ham radio, and a collaborator in building my weather website, He tutored me through JT65. Rob was an avid ham radio operator and ranked #1 in the world prior to his death for QSOs using JT65. Rob had an elaborate antenna field with three towers each with SteppIR antennas. For the past couple of years Rob was a avid drone operator and has a series of drone videos on YouTube giving us all a tour of northern Vermont. In earlier times Rob owned his own Cessna 150 and did a great deal of aerial photography. His website showed his keen interest in bird photography. I will miss him greatly and I’m sure many of our members have good memories of him as #4 on our roster and one of our best net controls.

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